Thursday, July 19, 2012

grilled vegetable ratatouille (a farm share variation)

it's Thursday!

   a new box of beautiful produce has just arrived from Angelic Organics.

that's just one more reason to love summer.

grilled vegetable ratatouille (a farm share variation)
recipe adapted from Cook's Illustrated

makes 4 to 6 servings
  ratatouille is a traditional french vegetable stew made from eggplant, zucchini, peppers and
  tomatoes. the recipe below has been adapted to include typical farm share vegetables, and will work
  with pretty much any vegetable that you can grill.  experiment! have fun!

1- 2    pounds each of a variety of farm fresh vegetables, totaling 4 - 6 pounds raw veggies
          (recommendations include eggplant, beets, zucchini or summer squash, peppers, potatoes,
           kohlrabi, carrots, tomatoes)

   1     medium onion
          extra virgin olive oil
   3     tablespoons balsamic vinegar
   1     tablespoon minced fresh thyme
1/4     cup chopped fresh basil
   1     garlic clove, peeled and finely minced or grated to paste on rasp-style grater
          kosher salt & black pepper

preheat grill to medium high. combine 1/4 olive oil, vinegar, basil, thyme, and garlic together in a glass jar. shake vigorously or whisk well to ensure emulsification.

prepare vegetables for grilling:
    kohlrabi: remove leaves & peel away woody skin using a sharp paring knife. slice into 1/2" rounds.
    potatoes, beets & carrots: scrub thoroughly to remove dirt. leaving skins intact, slice into 1/2"   
    rounds. trim away beet root tops before slicing. grill carrots atop foil or in a grill pan.
    eggplant: leaving skin intact, trim eggplant and slice into 1/2" rounds. in a large bowl,
    dissolve 2T salt in 1 cup warm water. add 3 quarts cold water. soak eggplant rounds in
    salt water for 30 minutes, using a plate to keep them submerged. pat dry with paper towel.
    other: wash, trim & slice into 1/2" rounds.

in a large bowl, coat all vegetables in olive oil and season with salt & pepper. grill vegetables over medium hot fire, turning once, until tender and streaked with grill marks. remove vegetables as they finish cooking--onions, beets, potatoes & kohlrabi 10 - 12 minutes; eggplant & squash 8 - 10 minutes; peppers & carrots 7 - 9 minutes; tomatoes 4 - 5 minutes.

allow vegetables to rest until cool enough to handle. once cool, chop all vegetables into 1/2" pieces and toss to coat with oil & vinegar mixture. season with salt & pepper to taste, and serve warm or at room temperature atop wilted greens (recipe below), quinoa, rice, pizza, or use as an omelette/crepe filling. garnish with goat cheese, creme fraiche, or hummus.

wilted garlic greens

makes 4 to 6 servings
   3     bunches cooking greens (recommendations include baby chard, spinach, arugula, swiss chard,
          beet greens, turnip greens, or any combination thereof)

   1     garlic clove, peeled & minced
   1     tablespoon olive oil
          kosher salt & black pepper

wash & trim greens, then rough chop to large bite-sized pieces. heat olive oil over medium heat in a large skillet until just shimmering. add garlic & greens and stir constantly until greens begin to wilt. reduce heat to low and continue to stir until all greens are wilted and bright green. remove from heat and let rest 2 - 3 minutes for uniform heat distribution. season with salt & pepper to taste.

kellyallison photography seeks to create inspired food images that capture the power and passion at the heart of food creation.


  1. Thank you so much for the recipe. Your pictures are incredible. Eva from the drop-off site in Wheaton.

    1. thank you, Eva! I'm glad you found the recipe, and hope you enjoy it.
